Injured Workers Association of Utah
Injured Workers
Association of Utah

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and FAQs

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Injured Workers

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Help Yourself, Your Family, and Thousands of Other Injured Workers Like You: Get Involved

The Injured Workers Association is a Utah non-profit corporation concerned exclusively with the rights of injured workers in Utah. We work closely with the Utah Citizens Alliance to make Utah a better place for Utah's injured. With your help we can improve the laws and teach injured workers about their rights.

Join Injured Workers Association and Utah Citizens Alliance and receive newsletters with important articles about your rights and information about how you can help.

You can join IWA by email. Please send us your name, address, phone (optional) and email address. Be sure to let us know if you would like to actively volunteer.

Click here to join by email.

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[Contact an Attorney for a Free Consultation]

(Chartered April 1, 1988)

The Injured Workers Association of Utah (IWAU) is a Utah non-profit corporation concerned with over 70,000 injured, disabled and displaced workers each year who suffer the financial and personal hardships occasioned by industrial injuries and occupational diseases in Utah. It is neither union nor non-union, and represents all members of the workforce. Its membership is open to all injured workers regardless of race, creed, color, age, sex, national origin, religious persuasion or political affiliation

d.atkin originals
copyright 1999 - updated March 2005

Visit these other d. atkin original websites:
Empty Bowls: fundraiser to feed the hungry
Clay Arts: artist images and information
The Flat Earth: original music by Tom Cram
Cypher Records: original music
Friction Studios: Utah's best indie studio